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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction

SK Consulting - Somogyi Katalin e.v (headquarters: 1126 Budapest, Németvölgyi út 18., hereinafter referred to as "Data Controller") is committed to protecting personal data. The purpose of this privacy policy is to transparently and comprehensively inform Candidates (individuals using our job placement services) about how we handle their personal data, the purposes of processing, and our practices during data processing.

  1. Data Controller Details

Name: SK Consulting - Somogyi Katalin

Address: 1126 Budapest, Németvölgyi út 18

Phone number: +36 20-424-5066

Email address:


  1. Types of Data Processed and Purposes of Processing

Personal Data

Name, date of birth, address: For identification and communication purposes.

Email address and phone number: For communication and sending notifications.

Citizenship, native language: For assessing job suitability.

Education, professional experience, language skills, type of driver's license: For assessing job qualifications and suitability.

Previous workplaces, positions held: For evaluating professional experience.

Job preferences: For finding optimal job positions and roles.

Purposes of Processing

Job placement: Identifying and recommending the most suitable job opportunities to Candidates.

Communication: Communication with Candidates, providing information and notifications regarding specific job offers.

Professional suitability assessment: Evaluating Candidates' abilities and experiences for suitable job positions.

  1. Legal Basis for Data Processing

The legal basis for data processing is Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, based on Candidates' voluntary consent provided by accepting this Privacy Policy.

  1. Data Retention Period

The Data Controller processes personal data until the Candidate requests deletion, but no longer than 5 years from the data collection. Candidates can withdraw their consent at any time by contacting and request deletion of their data.

  1. Data Disclosure

The Data Controller discloses data solely to its clients as potential employers for the purpose of job placement. Data is not disclosed to third parties unless required by law.

  1. Data Security Measures

The Data Controller employs appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, destruction, loss, alteration, or transmission. Data is stored in encrypted databases, and access is restricted to authorized personnel only.

  1. Candidates' Rights

Right of access: Candidates have the right to request information about the processing of their personal data, the purposes of processing, legal basis, data sources, and retention periods.

Right to rectification: Candidates can request correction of inaccurate or incomplete data.

Right to erasure: Candidates can request deletion of their personal data if processing is unlawful, the purpose of processing has ceased, or they withdraw their consent.

Right to restriction of processing: Candidates can request restriction of data processing if they dispute data accuracy, processing is unlawful, or the purpose of processing has ceased but they require data retention for legal claims.

Right to object: Candidates have the right to object to processing based on legitimate interests.

Right to data portability: Candidates can request their provided data in a machine-readable format or request transmission to another data controller.

  1. Contact and Complaints

For any questions, comments, or complaints, Candidates can contact the Data Controller at:


Address: 1126 Budapest, Németvölgyi út 18

Candidates have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority, which in Hungary is the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH).

  1. Data Processors

The Data Controller may engage data processors for processing activities. The list of data processors is maintained in a separate document available upon request by Candidates. Data processors handle personal data strictly according to the Data Controller's instructions and for the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy.

  1. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. The current version will always be published on our website. In case of significant changes, Candidates will be notified separately.

  1. Final Provisions

This Privacy Policy enters into force on January 6, 2022, and is valid indefinitely.

  1. Detailed Data Processing Operations

13.1. Application Process

CV and cover letter: Collection of CVs and cover letters provided by applicants, containing personal data such as previous workplaces, qualifications, skills, and other relevant information. These data are processed to assess Candidates' professional suitability.

Interviews and tests: Information collected during interviews and testing processes, including interview notes, evaluations, and test results. This data helps the Data Controller objectively evaluate Candidates' abilities and suitability for advertised positions.

13.2. Communication and Contact

Email and phone inquiries: Communication with Candidates via email and phone for purposes including organizing job interviews, providing information, and other relevant communications.

Newsletters and notifications: With Candidates' consent, the Data Controller may send newsletters and notifications about new job opportunities, training programs, and other career development opportunities. Candidates can unsubscribe from newsletters and notifications at any time.

13.3. Data Retention and Deletion

Data retention period: The Data Controller retains data until the withdrawal of Candidates' consent, but no longer than 5 years. This period allows the Data Controller to inform Candidates about relevant job opportunities that may arise.

Data deletion process: Upon request, the Data Controller deletes personal data of Candidates. Data deletion requests can be submitted to The Data Controller will execute data deletion promptly upon receipt of the request, but no later than within 30 days.

  1. Handling of Data Breaches

The Data Controller adheres to procedures for reporting and handling data breaches. Data breaches are promptly reported to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH), and affected Candidates are notified if the breach is likely to result in a high risk to rights and freedoms.

  1. Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller appoints a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who oversees data processing practices and ensures compliance with GDPR requirements. The contact details of the Data Protection Officer are:

Name: Somogyi Katalin


Phone number: +36 20-424-5066

  1. Detailed Data Processing Activities

The Data Controller may use the following data processors for processing activities:

Database management providers: Maintenance and management of databases for storing and processing CVs and other Candidate data.

IT service providers: Provision and maintenance of technical infrastructure ensuring secure data storage and processing.

HR software providers: Provision and maintenance of HR software for managing job application processes.

Data processors handle personal data strictly according to the Data Controller's instructions and for the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy. The Data Controller ensures that data processors comply with applicable data protection regulations and security measures.

  1. International Data Transfers

The Data Controller processes personal data only within the European Economic Area (EEA). If international data transfers are necessary, the Data Controller ensures that transferred data receives adequate protection and complies with GDPR requirements.

This detailed Privacy Policy enters into force on January 6, 2022, and is valid indefinitely. The Data Controller reserves the right to amend the Policy. The amended version will be published on our website, and significant changes will be notified separately to Candidates.

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