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Are you  lost in your career?
Do you feel stuck?

Don't know in which direction you should go?

Would you need professional support to define the right career goals?

In my work, clients and candidates often seek my help regarding their career dilemmas. Where should I go next? Where can I find a role where I can thrive? I feel I have outgrown my current responsibilities, and day by day, I feel more demotivated. What should I do? They approach me completely unsure, asking similar questions.

In order to assist them, I have slowly compiled and fine-tuned a comprehensive set of questions that I use as a tool in my coaching practice.

Depending on the problem at hand, I select from these questions until a goal crystallizes, and we draw out a path and the necessary toolkit to achieve it.

The real challenge often lies in aligning and developing market opportunities with individual skills, knowledge, attitude, and functional experience; otherwise, the desired goal may remain out of reach.

In this difficult work, I can help those who come to me, drawing on my over 20 years of experience, insights gained from thousands of interviews, deep and thorough market knowledge, and the multitude of career paths I have witnessed evolving or faltering as a consultant.

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When is it beneficial to seek assistance?

Career coaching can help you in the following situations


You are stuck in your career

I often see with candidates that they have reached a certain professional level and cannot find the opportunity to advance.

They are tired of their current position, they want new challenges and tasks, or they want to move up the ladder, but they have not been able to change or move forward for a long time. They are stuck.

Where to next?


You can't find a job you like

You've been sending out your job applications for quite some time, but you're rarely even invited to an interview, and even if you do make it to the one interview, you're usually not chosen.

What should I change?


You know exactly what you want; you just need support and assistance to get there


You don't know which job would be the most suitable for you

You can't find your way after several job attempts, feeling like you don't know what you want and just drifting. None of the tasks really appealed to you, and you can't really articulate what you truly want for yourself.


Who am I and where should

I go?

You know exactly which position you want to reach, what tasks you want to perform, but you're unsure about the necessary steps to get there.

Developing professional knowledge, skills, and abilities is crucial for progressing successfully.

I consider developing the right attitude to be particularly important, whether it's about positivity, proactivity, openness, or effective communication.


How can I achieve my goal?

3-step career coaching process


Self-evaluation and definition of goals

The first step is to define the goals, which, based on my experience, is not always an easy task, and this is where I noticed the most blockages.

In addition to setting the goals precisely, we assess what kind of functional experience, strengths, and professional knowledge you have.



Career planning

During career planning, we thoroughly discuss the path to your goals. We assess your opportunities and determine the steps needed to reach your desired position.

We examine the market to identify the best direction to pursue in order to find a job that aligns with your desired tasks, values, and culture.

Of course, we also discuss the realities and what development you need to achieve the job of your dreams.


Job search strategy

This section is about practical advice. Where and how should you search for jobs? What kind of resume should you create? How can you increase your visibility on LinkedIn? How should you prepare for a job interview? How should you behave in a job interview to make a good impression on the interviewers?

In addition to practical job search tips, I also consider it essential to discuss compensation: what salary should you ask for and how should you negotiate regarding pay.

We will review your resume and LinkedIn profile together.

At the end of the process, I will provide you with a document that includes not only the most important questions but also tips and tricks for successful job hunting.

Price: HUF 15,000 + VAT / hour

Before the Interview_edited.jpg

Optimizing your CV and Linkedin profile

Recently, more and more people have been contacting me with the desire to optimize their CV and Linkedin profile in order to stand out from the other applicants in the ever-increasing competition. I developed a package for this. Of course, these services can also be used separately.

  • We prepare a full analysis of your CV and/or LinkedIn profile

  • We help you incorporate relevant keywords to make it easier for search engines to find you

  • We help you to effectively reflect your professional experience and achievements in your CV and LinkedIn profile

  • We provide personalized advice on how to increase your visibility and make yourself attractive to employers



Consultation fee: HUF 15,000 + VAT / hour *


*The above price includes the preliminary analysis of the CV and LinkedIn profile sent in advance. We arrive for the consultation already prepared!


"What the mind of man can imagine and believe, it can achieve."
(Napoleon Hill)

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